How many emails are currently in your Gmail inbox? If you're similar well-nigh users, you're forced to sigh every time yous log in. There are hundreds, or even thousands of emails cluttering upward your inbox. Wouldn't exist prissy if you knew how to clean up Gmail quickly and easily?

If you lot don't accept a articulate system of Gmail organization, or if you haven't always been attentive to your inbox hygiene, this can be extremely overwhelming. Fortunately, in that location's a uncomplicated, 10-footstep process y'all can follow to clean up your Gmail inbox.

Table of Contents

  • What Does Information technology Mean to "Make clean" Your Gmail Inbox?
  • Tools to Assistance Make clean Up Gmail
  • How to Clean Up Gmail in 10 Steps
    • i. Delete big attachments.
    • two. Delete entire categories.
    • 3. Unsubscribe from annoying lists.
    • iv. Block unwanted senders.
    • 5. Delete past sender.
    • half dozen. Delete by date.
    • vii. Delete past content.
    • 8. Create new labels.
    • nine. Brand use of organization features.
    • 10. Create new filters.
    • Related posts:

What Does It Hateful to "Clean" Your Gmail Inbox?

"Cleaning" an inbox typically means removing the items y'all no longer need, and setting up a construction that allows you to minimize the presence of unnecessary emails in the future. There are several advantages to this approach:

  • Reduce storage. By default, Google will give you 15 GB of storage infinite, and you may have access to even more than if you're paying for an account. When you first sign upwardly, this seems like a lot, just eventually, you may push confronting this limit. Clearing out your inbox volition make more than space, giving you more storage to work with.
  • Eliminate noise. When your inbox is chaotic with messages that don't matter, it can be difficult to detect exactly the message you're looking for when conducting a Gmail search—or tell, at a glance, what your current workload is. Cleaning yous inbox allows you to eliminate this noise, so you can better focus on the work that really matters.
  • Minimize incoming junk. Part of your Gmail cleaning exercise will be focused on minimizing the corporeality of incoming junk letters yous receive from unwanted or unimportant sources, including blocking emails; this mode, yous're less distracted past notifications throughout the day, and your inbox can stay cleaner for longer.
  • Review disregarded messages. Cleaning an inbox is also a corking opportunity to notice important messages you may accept overlooked; are there whatsoever people yous've forgotten to respond to, or threads that died prematurely?

Tools to Help Clean Upward Gmail

Gmail has a ton of born tools and features yous tin utilise to clean your own inbox, and I'll exist covering some of them in the following 10-step program.

One of the all-time features is its intuitive search feature, which y'all can use to sort your inbox still you encounter fit—and place exactly the right letters to delete as speedily as possible. There are as well built-in sorting and categorizing features that can help you organize the of import messages that remain (and better sort incoming messages in the future).

Notwithstanding, if that'southward not plenty, you lot can look to 3rd-political party tools to aid you lot search, sort, organize, and delete your inbox messages. One of my personal favorites is, a bulk email cleaner that allows you to define your own rules and filters to utilize across your inbox. With just a few clicks, you can set a new set of criteria for the organization of your inbox, and get to piece of work sorting your electronic mail inbox.

For case, with the "Quick Clean" characteristic, Clean.electronic mail will recommend old emails, miscellaneous notifications, and other emails that should be deleted. With the "Smart Unsubscriber" feature, y'all can quickly run across the marketing and sales e-mail lists to which y'all're subscribed, and unsubscribe from them permanently. You can besides use the "Motorcar Make clean" characteristic to go rid of emails that meet certain criteria automatically.

Clean Email

Regardless of which tools you choose to help you get the job done, it's best to clean your email inbox in batches—specially if you've gone without cleaning your inbox for an extended catamenia of time. Instead of trying to make your inbox perfect in the bridge of an afternoon, fix bated only 15 minutes per twenty-four hours to make a dent in your backlog of uncategorized messages.

Information technology will be far less overwhelming, and information technology volition set you up for a positive organization habit y'all can use well into the future.

How to Clean Up Gmail in 10 Steps

If your Gmail inbox is cluttered, overwhelming, or just poorly organized, try these steps for how to clean upwards your Gmail inbox:

one. Delete big attachments.

Start by deleting the emails that feature large attachments; these are likely taking upward a disproportionate amount of space in your inbox, reducing your available storage in Gmail. There's an easy way to do this in Gmail itself. Click on the dropdown arrow on the right side of the search bar, and you'll be presented with a listing of advanced search criteria.

Bank check out the "Size" line and select "greater than," then define a specific size; I like to first by looking for emails that are more than one MB (see our post on the Gmail zipper size limit). You could also check the "Has attachment" box to include merely emails that feature an zipper. Click Search whenever you're fix, and yous'll generate a list of all emails with especially large attachments. If at that place are whatever attachments y'all need to save, consider saving them elsewhere and deleting them from your inbox.

how to clean up gmail - big attachments

2. Delete entire categories.

Gmail offers a number of "categories" you can apply to sort your inbox. When agile, Gmail will automatically find incoming emails that see these category criteria, and sort them appropriately. By default, you'll run across a Primary category tab, too as tabs for Promotions and Social (social media notifications). Head to the Settings menu and click on the Inbox tab; here, you'll take the option to add or remove categories. You can add tabs for Updates and Forums if yous wish.

empty entire categories

I recommend you utilize all categories that are relevant to your inbox. When you're prepare to clean, you tin can visit i of these tabs and delete all emails associated with information technology; in the upper-left corner, click on the box to Select All letters. By default, you'll select all messages in the current view. Head to the peak of the screen and click the prompt to select all conversations in the tab and delete them at once.

delete entire category

3. Unsubscribe from abrasive lists.

Most of united states get at least a few emails every day from lists nosotros subscribed to a long time agone, just are no longer relevant—or possibly we concluded up on a list nosotros never subscribed to in the showtime place. In that location's a unproblematic solution: unsubscribe. But most of united states of america don't take the actress fourth dimension to take ourselves off of these lists—instead, we just delete emails i at a time and coil our optics whenever we go a new i.

Stop the bicycle by using a tool (such as Clean Electronic mail) to generate a listing of all your current subscriptions, or apply Gmail's search bar to search for all emails that include the discussion "Unsubscribe" in the body. It volition have some time to manually unsubscribe from all these lists, but information technology's worth the investment.


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4. Block unwanted senders.

Next, consider blocking any unwanted senders that are flooding your inbox. Are in that location any persistent salespeople that but won't exit you solitary? Consider blocking them. Are you getting inundated with notifications from one of your projection direction platforms? Log in and change your settings and then you no longer receive so many messages from this. Here's a guide on how to block emails in Gmail.

5. Delete by sender.

Clean upward your inbox efficiently by looking for senders that no longer affair. For case, is at that place a client you lot no longer work with? Would you exist interested in deleting all messages that came from a specific platform, like LinkedIn? If and so, click the dropdown arrow on the correct side of the Gmail search bar. In the "From" field, blazon the email address of the sender you want to delete.

You can alter your search with additional criteria if necessary, or search for multiple senders at once, so click Search to generate a total list of emails that see these requirements. From there, you can delete all these emails at once.

delete by sender

6. Delete by date.

Again, yous can head to the advanced search manner of Gmail to look for emails that meet certain criteria. This fourth dimension, endeavour sorting by date. After all, practise yous actually need emails that you received five years ago? Search for emails within a certain period of time from a engagement of your choosing; for case, you could cull to look simply at emails sent within ane twelvemonth of 2011, covering all emails from 2010 to 2012, and delete them all at in one case.

delete by date

You lot tin can also sort your inbox then that the oldest messages are listed outset; to practise this, hover over the numbers you encounter in the upper-right corner. Past default, "Newest" will be selected, so that you come across your newest letters at the top of your Gmail inbox. Click "Oldest" to opposite this, and review emails based on the oldest entries. Y'all tin can use this sorting characteristic to modify whatsoever of your other searches as well, improving your sorting and organizing as y'all manage your inbox. Cheque out our guide to learn more about sorting by date in Gmail.

delete by date 2

seven. Delete by content.

Are you interested in deleting all emails that take to practise with a specific field of study, or those that include certain words or phrases in the body content? You can use Gmail's advanced search features to hunt these messages down. Call back the advanced search characteristic with the dropdown pointer, and search for emails that have sure words and phrases in the Subject line, or those that take specific words or phrases in the body. Use quotation marks effectually complete specific phrases you're searching for.

delete by content

8. Create new labels.

In Outlook, users organize emails with the help of a arrangement of folders and subfolders. Only in Gmail, things work a niggling bit differently; rather than physically moving an email to one specific folder or trying to copy it to multiple folders, you'll create labels and assign those labels however you see fit. In the left-paw panel of Gmail, yous can scroll downwards to detect and click "Create label."

create new labels 1

Here, you'll exist able to name a label of your selection, and choose whether to "nest" it under a unlike label. In one case created, you tin apply this characterization to any individual message in your inbox—and apply multiple labels to a single message. And so, you'll be able to recollect a label someday you want and review all emails associated with it. Information technology's an incredibly useful way to organize the valuable emails that remain in your inbox—and you can even apply them equally part of your automatic filtering system, which we'll gear up in step 10.

create new label 2

ix. Make use of organization features.

Gmail comes loaded with a number of features meant to make it easier for email users to stay organized. For example, you lot tin can mark emails every bit read or unread to determine their status, use stars to immediately mark valuable emails to proceed long-term, and use importance markers to place emails that still require a response. You lot can even fix up boosted colors for each organizational feature in Gmail's advanced settings if y'all need more options. Make use of these, and apply them consistently to reap their full value.

gmail tabs stars labels

10. Create new filters.

Hopefully, past this indicate, your Gmail inbox should be mostly make clean. Merely how can you lot ensure that it remains make clean indefinitely? Evidently, you lot can apply your new arrangement of organization consistently to new emails as they get in, but this can take a lot of fourth dimension, and you might not be perfectly consistent with information technology. Instead, information technology may be better to prepare upward automatic filters for incoming letters.

Afterward conducting an advanced search for emails that meet sure criteria (like containing sure words in the subject line or existence sent past a specific sender), you can create a filter for all emails that lucifer these criteria in the hereafter; from in that location, you tin can tell Gmail to automatically characterization them or mark them in a specific way, or even tell Gmail to archive the bulletin immediately. With the right filters in place, you lot tin consider your Gmail inbox to be well-nigh entirely self-cleaning. Make sure you read our full guide on setting up Gmail filters for more than information.

At present that you know how to clean up Gmail, are you interested in improving your email habits in other areas? You could learn a lot from a tool similar EmailAnalytics. With EmailAnalytics, y'all'll exist able to employ interactive data visuals to analyze your email habits—including everything from your busiest days of the calendar week to your average e-mail response time. From there, you tin identify your own bad habits, and put new practices in place to improve them. Sign up for a free trial today to learn more!

how to clean out your gmail inbox fast
